Power+™Trip Units
Power+™ Trip Unit Systems*
The Power+ trip unit system for Power Break®ll insulated
case breakers consist of the trip unit. the tri p actuator, cur
rent sensors and rating plugs. The term "trip unit system"
applies to the combination of these four components which
form the solid-state circuit breaker tripping system.
Power+ trip units provide a complete range of standard and
optional overcurrent and g round-fault protective functions.
Components of Power+ trip unit system
True RMS Sensing
The Power+ trip unit continues to use GE's proven technique
of measuring true rms currents of both sinusoidal and har
monically distorted waveforms. The frequent sampling (48
times per cycle per phase) allows p recise calculations of true
rms current. The sampling rate allows waveform measure
ments up to the 11th harmonic. G E's true rms sensing avoids
potential u nderprotection or overprotection problems associ
ated with peak-sensing tripping systems.
Accessory Integration
Four accessories are i ntegrated through the Power+ trip unit.
Drop-in shunt trip (with o r without lockout). bell alarms (with
or without lockout) and the undervoltage release mod ules fit
into keyed pockets. They operate through the trip units, and
not through any external mechanisms. All accessory wiring
is pre-wired to secondary terminals, and no user wiring is
necessary. When activated, the shunt trip (with or without
lockout) and undervoltage release modules send a signal
to the trip unit to energize the trip actuator and open the
* For availability on Power+ Trip units, contact your G E sales
Trip Target Module (Optional)
Power+ trip target module (Target
View Button:
Press the VI EW button to check the trip unit
Reset Button:
Press the RESET button to clear a ny target
that is set.
Battery Check:
Target modules use two standard, 3V,
16mm x 1.6 mm, l ithium batteries for viewing target
i nformation. Battery life depends u pon use, but may be
estimated at one year. When the batteries a re e ne rgized,
depressing the VIEW button will illuminate either a set
target LED, i.e., LT o r the BAT LED. Once target indica-
tors are cleared, battery status is indicated by the BAT
LED. Replacement batteries include Panasonic CR1616
Eveready E-CR1616BP, or Duracell DL1616B, which ma
purchased commercially.
Long-time pickup:
The long-time pickup indicators moves
through two transitions. As the current in any phase
reaches 95% of its setpoint , the LTPU LED begins to flash.
As current increases, flashing frequency increases, until
100% of the pickup point is reached. At that moment, the
LTPU LED stays on continuously until the long-time delay
t1mes out. Once the breaker has tripped on long-time, the
OVL target will be stored in memory. To view the trip, press
button. To clea r the target, p ress the RESET but
Short-time and instantaneous trips:
S hort-time and
instantaneous trips share the same trip target. The LTPU
LED is not illumin ated, since the time intervals between
pickup and tripping a re too short for either function. Once
the breaker has tripped on short-time or i nstantaneous
the short target will be stored in memory. To view the tr,ip,
press the VIEW button. To clear the target, press the RESET
Ground fault trip (Ta rgeto2 only):
The trip target for a
g round fault is the G F LED. To view the trip, press the VI EW
button. To clear the target, press the RESET button.
Health monitor:
Trip unit health status "okay" is illus
trated by slow blinking of the LTPU LED. It may be seen by
depress1ng and holding the VIEW button. Sufficient power
must be supplied to the trip unit via external test kit , power
pack, or current transformers for the health monitor to be
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