Flooring Requirements
Do not install the wine vault on carpet. If carpet is present, it MUST be removed.
Carpet at the front of the wine vault can prevent a smooth door opening and
should also be removed.
The wine vault can be installed over a nonporous surface such as cement, ceramic tile,
laminate, a sealed wood floor, or a material approved for below-grade installation.
Decorative flooring may be installed inside the assembled vault.
The floor should be solid and capable of supporting a total of 4,600 lbs. (within the
National Building Code for residential construction of 100 lbs. per sq. ft.). Consult an
architect or structural engineer to be sure that the floor provides adequate support.
The floor must be level.
If the floor is not level (more than 1” over a 4 ft. slope), the
wall and ceiling panels will not align properly and may cause operating problems. If
necessary, use a leveling compound according to manufacturers’ recommendations.
A finished hard-surface floor of your choice may be installed inside the wine vault.
(Flooring not supplied.) If you plan to install a finished floor beneath the wine racks, the
top of the wine racks will be closer to the ceiling. Some space would be lost at the top
of the wine racks where large bottles might be stored. Pre-planning and coordination
with the installer may be necessary. Always check that the threshold or flooring
transition does not interfere with the door sweep.
Assembly Planning
Four people are required to assemble the wine vault.
Plan to complete the entire assembly of the wine vault at the same time.
Do not allow unsupported wall panels to remain standing. The base channels, walls
and ceiling must be completely assembled and secured at the same time.
Required Clearances
The wine vault can be installed in a location that is at least:
7’ 10” high,
8’ 9-1/2” wide,
11’ 9-1/2” deep (including 48” clearance at the front).
This area provides 1/2” of clearance to adjacent walls on the back and sides. The 7’ 10”
height provides a 4” clearance needed to raise and position the ceiling panels.
Check to be sure that there are no overhead obstructions, such as ductwork,
light fixtures, or vents. Check to be sure the wine vault will not cover needed
electrical outlets.
Check access to the installation location. Can large panels pass through stairways and
corners? Approximately 52” turning radius is required for the largest panel.
Allow 48” clearance at the front for a full door swing. The 48" clearance also provides
adequate air circulation space to exhaust the warm air from the cooling unit.
Decorative Enclosures
The ceiling of the wine vault is not designed to support objects of any kind. Do not
design an enclosure that requires support from the top or ceiling of the wine vault.
Do not plan to use the ceiling for storage of any kind.