4.5.4 Overfill Mode
An overfill condition can occur when the water inlet solenoid valve has malfunctioned and the water flow rate has increased to
a rate that will cause an overfill condition to exist within the tub. The excess water will leave the tub through the overfill spillway
and the initial 1.76 fluid oz. of water will enter the overfill collector.
Operation of the drain pump will result on a continuous basis, due to the water in the overfill collector operating the
microswitch by the float. The drain pump is rated at a capacity of 3.96 - 5.28 US gallons per minute @ 39 3/8" head,
therefore the overfill condition within the tub of approximately 2.91 - 3.17 US gallons will be reduced from the overfill spillway
level in several seconds.
NOTE: The overfill collector must be emptied by a service technician when repairing an overfill mode/condition.
The operation of the circuit is as follows:
• Main Terminal - A
• Overfill Switch - COM to NO
• Drain Pump - L
The following wiring diagram illustrates the circuit for an “overfill mode”.
Circuit Diagram: Overfill Mode