Check the closing time with the potentiometer set to provide 115 volts on both
circuits. The time should agree with values given in Figure 8 ! 10%.
If recalibration of the relay is necessary, the following should be considered when
making adjustments.
The moving contact should just touch the secondary contact when the time dial
is set at the 0 position.
If readjustment is necessary, loosen the two
clamping screws which fasten the stop arm to the shaft, and change the position
of the stop arm relative to the moving contact until the contacts just touch
with the time dial set at 0.
A fine adjustment can be obtained by moving the
stationary contact brush in or out by means of its adjusting screw.
in the final adjustment, the contact brush must be positioned so that there is
1/6411 to 1/3211 wipe with the contact fully closed. Be sure that the screws are
securely tightened after adjustment is made.
The-stop arm leaf spring should deflect at least 1/6411 when the synchronism
check unit is de-energized.
The disc and shaft assembly should have a vertical end play of 1/1611 to 1/3211
and both bearing screws should be tight.
The disk should be approximately
centered between the poles of the U-magnet and drag magnet.
Connect the relay as shown in Figure 11.
To make an accurate adjustment of the
closing angle, a phase shifter and phase angle meter are required, along with a
means for voltage control.
Two adjustments are necessary for obtaining a desired closing angle.
adjustable resistor at the top of the frame permits equalizing the
That is, the closing angle will be the same, whether one voltage
lagging the other voltage.
The right-hand
closing angle.
is leading or
The left-hand adjusting resistor is for obtaining the correct closing-angle setting.
Simultaneous adjustments of the two resistors are necessary.
Using the connections shown in Figure 11, set V1 at 115 volts.
If a 200 closing
angle is desired, set V2 at 115 volts, leading V1 by 200.
Adjust the left-hand
resistor until the contacts just close.
Now, with 115 volts in both circuits,
determine the angle at which the contact closes with V2 lagging V1.
If the two
angles are unequal, equalize then at 200 by adjusting the right-hand resistor. Then
check the closing angle with V2 leading V1, and readjust if necessary.
this procedure until the relay contacts just close for V1 leading or lagging V2 by
200. Use the same procedure for other closing-angle setting.
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