What minimum water line pressure is recommended
for the System?
The minimum water pressure requirement is 30 psi. If the
System is installed on a pump/pressure tank scenario the
requirement may be less. Refer to the
System installation
section under
E. inSTallaTiOn inSTrUCTiOnS
adjust the backpulse tank pressure.
Does the System affect the water pressure?
There is minimal effect on existing water pressure. Under
most circumstances, no change in water pressure will be
How often does the System need to be serviced?
To maintain warranty, the System must be serviced by
a Homespring™ Qualified Technician at least once per
year. During this service the system is cleaned and tested
using the Integrity Tester to ensure that the membrane is
functioning correctly. Twice per year service visits may be
recommended depending on water quality (e.g. dirtier lake
sources). Also at this time, the Carbon Prefilter is replaced,
or the Stainless Steel Prefilter is cleaned and reused. If an
External Prefilter is present, the External Prefilter cartridge
is also replaced.
How long does the System last?
The System will generally last an average of 10 years or
more if used on municipal or well water and will last from
5 to 10 years on surface/lake waters depending on the
level of contamination of the incoming water. Regular
maintenance and bypassing the System for outdoor
taps, pool and hot tub makeup valves and irrigation
systems will extend the life of the System membrane.
What is the maximum size water feed line the Homespring™
Whole Home Water filtration System can be installed to?
The inlet and outlet ports and devices of the System are
3/4 inch. The plumbing must be adapted to this 3/4 inch
measurement at the system. Independent of the plumbing
size, the operational limits of the system remain constant.
How often does the System need to be replaced?
The life of the System relies primarily on the lifespan of the
membrane. When the membrane is fouled, the water flow rate
is too low and the annual clean does not correct the fouling, the
System, excluding the attached parts, will need to be replaced.
Will the system remove iron / sulfur?
The pore size of the membrane is 0.02 microns nominal
which may help in the filtration of particulate iron. The
carbon filter may help in the reduction of taste and odour
caused by sulphur.
Will the System act as a water softener?
The system will not soften water or remove dissolved
solids. Given the pore size of the membrane, dissolved
particles smaller than 0.02 microns nominal will pass
through the membrane and remain in your water. This
includes calcium and magnesium which contribute to
your hard water, and other dissolved solids like essential
minerials and flouride.
How long does the automatic cleaning cycle take?
Depending on the program selected, each cleaning
cycle may take from 2.5 to 16.5 minutes. Refer to the
controller settings
section under
E. inSTallaTiOn
for details.
How much water is used in the daily cleaning cycle?
Depending on the program selected, each cleaning cycle
may use from 7.5 to 19.5 US Gallons of water. Refer to the
Controller Specifications
section under
J. SPECifiCaTiOnS.
if the Homespring™ Water Purifier System unit
removes chlorine out of the water, is there an
issue with bacteria in the pipes inside the house?
If you already had municipally chlorinated water in your
household pipes and there have been no water quality
issues, there should be no pathogenic bacteria in your
household pipes. Upon installation, the System should block
and prevent any new growth of pathogenic bacteria in the
household lines. Over time non-pathogenic HPC bacteria
may become present in your household pipes. However,
scientific studies have shown that there are no health
concerns with these non-pathogenic bacteria. Sanitization
of the household municipal fed water lines will provide
further reassurance for the elderly, small children or those
who are otherwise immune depressed. If there has been a
water quality issue such as a recent boil water alert or water
main break from the municipal water source, the household
pipes should be sanitized upon installation of the System.
How long does the activated carbon filter last?
The Activated Carbon filters have been certified to filter
over 130,000 US gallons (491,400 litres) for the tall Carbon
Prefilter and over 65,000 US gallons (245,700 litres) for
the short Carbon Prefilter (UFC 207 Series model only).
The average homeowner will find it necessary to change
the activated carbon filter approximately every 12 months.
The quality of water, the amount of chlorine and other
in the water, and the amount of water used determines the
actual life of the Activated Carbon filter.
W h a t d o e s t h e C a r b o n P r e f i l t e r d o ?
The Carbon Prefilter is Certified by NSF International
against NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 for chlorine, taste and
odour reduction. The Carbon Prefilter is packed with
Activated Carbon which can significantly reduce residual
chlorine, chlorine related tastes and odours, and tastes
and odour of inorganic or organic particles which can be
unappealing to the homeowner. The Prefilter also protects
and extends the life of the System by preventing large,
sharp particles from passing through the System membrane.