DuraStation™ EV Charger User Manual
GE Industrial Solutions
©2014 GE Company All Rights Reserved
Codes 143, 144, 145, 151, 152 – Communication Controller Failure
If the fault does not automatically clear or by removing the EVSE connector from the vehicle, cycle
power on the WattStation.
Code 153 – Ground fault
This alarm indicates that the charge controller has detected a ground fault condition that exceeds the
allowable levels per UL 2231-2. The station implements the CCID 20 protection as defined in UL 2231-
2, which requires a 20mA ground fault to trip in under 1 second (higher currents require faster trip
times). The controller will automatically reclose after a 15 minute delay, up to a maximum of four
times per charging cycle. On the fifth ground fault, the controller will issue code 131 and the charging
plug will have to be removed from the EV to clear the fault.
Code 154 – Pilot transition violation
This alarm indicates that the charge controller has detected a transition from State A (12V) to State C
(6V) on the vehicle Pilot circuit input (J7). Unless it is specifically configured to allow the State A to State
C transition (bypassing State B) by enabling Simplified charging in the local configuration tool (see
Section 4.2.4), the charge controller will issue this alarm. The alarm will clear automatically when the
Pilot is returned to State A.
Code 155 – Pilot 0V feedback
This alarm indicates that the charge controller has detected zero volts on the vehicle Pilot circuit
input. The charge controller does not have the capability to take the pilot to 0V, therefore check for
problems in the wiring to J7. If necessary measure the resistance of the pilot conductor (J7 pin 1) to
chassis ground (J7 pin 2). Remember problems could be in the charge cord or on the vehicle side.
This alarm will clear automatically when the short circuit condition is removed.
Code 211 – Overvoltage
This alarm indicates that the charge controller has detected AC line voltage in excess of 270 Vac. This
alarm will only set when charging or trying to charge. It will not set during standby operation or when
the vehicle is still connected after charging completed. When the overvoltage alarm sets, the alarm
condition will persist for a minimum of one minute, after which time the alarm will clear when voltage
drops to 265 Vac or below.
Code 212 – Undervoltage
This alarm indicates that the charge controller has detected AC line voltage below 170 Vac. This alarm
will only set when charging or trying to charge. It will not set during standby operation or when the
vehicle is still connected after charging completed. When the undervoltage alarm sets, the alarm
condition will persist for a minimum of one minute, after which time the alarm will clear when voltage
rises to 177 Vac or above.
Code 214 – E-Stop input open
This alarm indicates that that the E-stop input has opened … inspect J14 jumper on the control board.
Code 215 – Charge Controller communication fault
This alarm indicates that the charge controller is having trouble communicating with the
communication controller (SBC). This should be a transient condition which should automatically
Clear, if not, cycle AC power to clear. If persistent inspect the 4-pin cable connecting the charge
controller J2 connector to the SBC CN1 (port 1) orCN2 (port 2) connector.