Installation Manual
Appendix A
Creating a new subscriber account
This section describes how to create a new subscriber account on the Alarm.com website. Be sure to discuss
this section with your customer prior to the module’s final installation.
After you have created a new subscriber account and installed the module, instruct your customer to log on to
the Alarm.com website. You will need the following items to complete the new subscriber setup procedure:
Login and temporary password included on the Alarm.com Welcome Letter.
Confirmation number sent from Alarm.com to your customer’s e-mail.
Complete list of system sensors and touchpads.
A phone number and e-mail address for Alarm.com to send notifications to.
After you have gathered the required information, log on to the following address:
Log on by entering the correct login name and temporary password. A New Subscriber Setup Wizard appears.
Assist the customer in creating an address book and turning on all Alarm.com notifications.