Electrical control components
Electronic control gear with DALI interface
1-10V DALI Converter 64932
User control components
Standard switches (make contacts with basic insulation)
Operating panels (make contacts with basic insulation)
Light sensor (active)
MS-R 64669
Light and motion sensor (active)
MS-C 64670
Locking setting up and scene storage
The group assignment during setting up and the scene storage can be locked individually or in com-
mon. A unwished changing of these system settings is therefore prevented.
• By a long holding down (approx. 10 seconds) of the reset button one reaches the locking
The operating LED flashes and the current condition is shown by the two others LEDs.
• With a short press of the reset button the mode can now be set to the desired setting.
• By a long holding down (approx. 10 seconds) of the reset button the chosen adjustment is stored.
LED signals in common the storage by a singly flash and mode is left to the normal operation.
Visualisation of the locking mode: (Controller is in operation, operation LED (green) is flashing)
If in the locking mode an arbitrary control button is pressed, then the locking mode will left immediately
without storage and the previous setting remains unchanged.
By a reset (basic condition / reset) the setting of the locking mode is also inactive. That means the sys-
tem is in delivery condition and the group assignment and scene storage is possible.
Transmitting (yellow LED)
Error (red LED)
Locking mode
Locking off, not active:
Group assignment possible
Scene storage possible
(delivery condition)
Group assignment locked
Scene storage locked
Group assignment and Scene stor-
age locked