Digiplex IV User Manual
Appendix D. Remote Slaves
1034169B / December 2003
D. E
If remote slaves will be needed, design your system to include them before installation. Adding remote slaves to an existing
system usually requires significant system changes.
To access cameras that reside on remote slaves, you must program the master matrix switcher to know
which cameras can be called up from which remote slaves and which monitors those cameras can
appear on. See section Programming BNC Input Mapping
. You must run a separate coaxial cable
from an output on a remote slave matrix switcher to an assigned video input on the master matrix
switcher for each monitor that is assigned to display video from a remote location. See Figure 25.
The remote slaves do not need to send the same number of monitor outputs to the master switcher.
The remote slave that sends the greatest number of remote monitor outputs determines the number of remote video monitors
on the master switcher.
Camera titling appears only on the monitors that are attached to the master switcher and not on the monitors that are
attached to the remote slaves.
Master Switcher
Remote Slave Switchers
Monitors showing
remote video
Location A
(accesses local
and remote monitors)
50 cameras with
address range 0 – 49
RM01 on BNCs 50, 51, 52
RM02 on BNCs 53 through 56
Location B
(RM 01)
30 cameras with
address range 64 – 127
MONs 1, 2, 3 on
BNCs 1, 3, 4
Location C
(RM 02)
20 cameras with
address range 128 – 195
MONs 1 through 4 on
BNCs 5, 6, 11, 12
Location D
(RM 03)
Figure 25. Connecting the monitors of remote slaves to the master matrix switcher (see the following example)
Using monitors 1, 2, and 3 and remote slaves 1 and 2, this
programming tells the remote slave to switch the video as follows:
When calling up camera 100 on monitor 1, remote slave 1
switches camera 100 onto monitor 1 (remote slave output 1) and
sends the video to BNC video input 50 on the master switcher.
BNC (e.g., 50) is the physical input number on the master switcher
that is connected to the corresponding remote slave OUTP (e.g., 01
BNC monitor output).
MON is the monitor number on the master switcher that is assigned to
the remote slave OUTP.
RM is the number of a remote slave.
CAMERAS is the range of cameras assigned to a remote slave.
OUTP is the BNC monitor output on the remote slave that is
connected to the master switcher input.
050 001 01 0064-0127 01
051 002 01 0064-0127 03
052 003 01 0064-0127 04
053 001 02 0128-0195 05
054 002 02 0128-0195 06
003 02 0128-0195 11
Figure 26. Menu B-4
Video coaxial cables
Master sends two UTP control signal
lines to each slave (one slave serial
and one Digiplex RS422, if
controlling domes)