Q: Can I connect an external hard drive or DVD drive to the USB port?
A: Android tablets support external hard drives, USB sticks, keyboards and mice, but
not DVD drives. This is because Android does not have the software drivers. Any ex-
ternal storage device must USB generic and not need any
special software drivers to
Q: I was using the unit and it just froze. Now I cannot do anything or turn the
unit off. What do I do now?
A: Locate and press the reset button as described in the previous question.
Q: Why do I get “error 921” or “403” or “DF-BPA-13” error?
A: This error is caused by poor syncing of your Gmail account with any “service” such
as Android Market / Google Play or email accounts. To fix this: Go to
Settings—Apps—All …. Select Google Play Store, click on Force Stop, Clear data
and Clear cache. Then, Go to Settings—Apps_all … Select Google Service Frame-
work, click on Force Stop, Clear data and Clear cache.
Q: Why do I get "Error retrieving information from server (RPC-S-5-AEC-0)"
when tying to use Google Play?
A: This error is caused by Google, not the device. You can clear the error using these
Go to Settings / Apps / All
Scroll down find Google Play Services and select it
Select Clear Data
Repeat for Google Services Framework, & Google Play Store
Press back to exit out of setting, then the Home icon.
Now …. turn the unit off, then on … to reset it, or press the reset button if your unit
has one
Q: Do I need a Wi-Fi adapter to connect to the Internet?
A: No. The Wi-Fi adapter is built-in to the device.
Q: Can I use my unit in different Wi-Fi hotspots?
A: Yes. The unit will store up to 10 Wi-Fi hotspots. If you want to connect to a new
hotspot, press the scan icon in Settings / WIFI to find it. In public areas, most do not
need a password. To remove a hotspot from memory, tap the hotspot on the list and
tap “forget”