gbo Medizintechnik AG 2004
Version 1.2
signals the adjustment of the „Large capacitor-field electrode“ applicator.
signals the adjustment of the „Medium capacitor-field electrode“ applicator.
signals the adjustment of the „Small capacitor-field electrode“ applicator.
signals the adjustment of the „350 Hz“ pulsed mode of operation.
signals the adjustment of the „70 Hz“ pulsed mode of operation.
signals the adjustment of the „continuous-wave“ (CW) mode of operation
The above information applies in multiplexed form at the processor output pins P3.0/AD0 to
P3.7/AD7 and is stored by the integrated circuits D404 to D406. This includes also the triggering
of the piezo-signal transmitter B401. Signal D406(Q5) and D406(Q6) is not used. The 7-segment
indicators VD411 to VD415 are also triggered in the multiplexed mode of operation. Data sources
are the processor output pins P4.0/AD8 to P4.3/AD11, the hexadecimal data of which are decoded
by integrated circuit D407. Amplified by T402 to T406 the multiplexed signals P2.0/TXT and
P1.0 to P1.3 are fed to the anodes of the indicator elements and show the following information:
shows the ten’s place of the minutes of treatment time.
shows the one’s place of the minutes of treatment time.
shows the hundred’s place of the unit’s output power.
shows the ten’s place of the unit’s output power.
shows the one’s place of the unit’s output power.
Integrated circuit D403 is used as driver circuit. In addition to the above signal it amplifies the
motor control signals (M301) which are generated at D402 (P2.6 and P2.7). Both signals are
directly amplified, inverted and transmitted to the plug connector X402 (pins 1 to 4). At each of
it’s outputs, D403 has a free-wheeling diode and the other-end connectors „D“ of which are
connected to the +15 V supply voltage.
The switch condition of the emergency-off switch connected at plug connector X403.6 is
evaluated by transistor T408 and terminal D402 (P2.4/T2RST) of the processor which signals this
information for further processing. An emergency-off actuation additionally releases a switching
operation of the transistors T409 and T407 where the collector of the last actuates the power relay
K001 via X403.5.
Micro-controller 87C196KB has eight analogous inputs (P0.0 to P0.7). The directional coupler
signals U
and U
, whose amounts are used for tuning the output circuit by means of
M301, are connected to P0.0 and P0.1. At X401.3 there applies a signal that is proportional to the