gbo Medizintechnik AG 2004
Version 1.2
5.2.2. Description of the control computer signals
The following typical voltages can be measured to earth:
D401.11 (WDI)
5 V CMOS pulses (low-active), duration about 0.8 ms, period 4.0
ms to 4.8 ms
D401.14 (WDO)
TTL, high
D401.15 (RES)
TTL, high
D401.1 (VCC)
5 V (V
at pin 68)
D402.65 (CLKOUT)
5 V CMOS, balanced clock of about 4 Mhz.
D402.39 (P2.5/PWM)
5 V CMOS pulses (high-active), period about 122 µs,
pulse duration about 20 µs in the stand by mode,
pulse duration about 92 µs in 30 W pulsed mode,
pulse duration about 90 µs in 200 W CW mode.
DC voltage between 0.5 V and 4 V depending on the duty factor at
D402.39, superimposed by a serrated voltage (U
< 50 mV).
D402.45 (P4.7/AD15)
Stand by mode
high level
„70 Hz“ pulsed mode,
30 W
pulses (low-active), duration about 2
ms, period about 14 ms;
„350 Hz“ pulsed mode,
30 W
pulses (low-active), duration about
410 µs, period about 2.8 ms;
CW mode, 200 W
low level.
Stand by mode.
about -0.5 V
„70 Hz“ pulsed mode,
30 W
pulses (high-active), duration about
2 ms, period about 14 ms;
high level about 4.2 V
low level about -0.5 V
„350 Hz“ pulsed mode,
30 W
pulses (high-active), duration about
410 µs, period about 2.8 ms;
high level about 4.2 V
low level about-0.5 V
CW mode, 200 W
about 4.0 V.
When the pulse transmitter is not actuated both terminals are on
TTL-low level.
During the turning both terminals deliver time-delayed high-level
pulses the phase of which is given by the direction of rotation.
About 0.8 V in stand by mode; about 2.9 V at an output power of
200 W (50
at X004/X005).
D402.4 (P0.3)
About 2.5 V at a temperature of the heat sink (A200) of 25 °C, the
voltage decreases with increasing temperature.
5 V, in case of emergency-off switch actuation 0.6 V.
1.2 V, in case of emergency-off switch actuation 5 V.
0 V, in case of emergency-off switch actuation -15 V, relay K001
must switch over.