gbo Medizintechnik AG 2004
Version 1.2
capacitor-field electrode, medium
80 W
capacitor-field electrode, larg
200 W
Subsequently check the limit values of the power ranges in the pulsed modes (initial values 3 W
each), the end values are 30 W for all applicators except the small capacitor-field electrode with
21 W. Emergency-off function
Set the output power to any value > 0.
Wait for the duration of tuning process.
Actuate the emergency-off switch.
A continuous acoustic signal must sound and all optical indications must be exstinguished.
Relay K001 must be released.
Then turn the power selector to the left.
The acoustic signal terminates and the unit changes to the stand by mode.
Relay K001 must be active. RESET key
Adjust any treatment time value.
Press RESET key (S409).
After this, the unit must be in the stand by mode.
4.5. Tuning
Set the unit to the stand by mode.
Engage the coaxial plug connection X222.
Connect the test aerial to the unit output X004/X005.
(By way of substitution, the output power can be determined by means of the precision resistor
of 50
and a multimeter. In such a case the following three steps can be neglected).
Calibration of the thermal probe with the power meter.
Set the following parameters on the power meter:
„dB REL“ = 39.70 dB,
„LINEARITY FACTOR“ according to the value on the probe label,
„RANGE“ = 0,
„AVERAGE“ = 7,
„DUTY CYCLE“ = 100 %.
Connect the power meter to the (-40)-dB output of the test aerial.