gbo Medizintechnik AG
Version 1.5
No contact of the distribution cable to one of the electrodes
The released power (P) is the product of voltage and current and gives some
information about the released energy for one treatment.
Duration and frequency of treatment
The duration of treatment is pre-set to 60 minutes. In the basic settings the
treatment time can be set from 30 to 60 minutes.
The frequency of the treatments depends on the intensity of the polyneuropathic
pain. The treatment interval of 3 days was very effective for many patients.
For the treatment of your polyneuropathic pain you should find your personal
treatment interval.
Please treat your polyneuropathic pain every day to prove the HiToP
therapy. If
you experience less pain or no pain, you can increase the interval of treatment.
Evaluate when the pain between the treatment comes back and increase the
treatment interval.
With this method you can evaluate your personal optimum treatment interval.