gbo Medizintechnik AG
Version 1.5
In the detailed view you see some additional informations:
TIME: 59:22
U: 12.5 V R: 75 V/A
I: 165 mA
P: 2062 mW
The treatment stops after the treatment timer reaches zero. You can also stop or
interrupt the treatment by decreasing the intensity to zero.
Display in Detail
In the detailed view, the following values are shown:
Display data
remaining time of the actual therapy
released voltage
patient’s resistance
released current
released power
swelling active/inactive
Table 1: Information in the detailed view
Some information on the detailed view:
In the detailed view you can recall treatment values like shown in the table above.
The time shown is the treatment time and it is decreased in steps of seconds. When
the treatment timer reaches zero, the unit stops the treatment and the intensity is set
to zero.
The values for voltage (U) and current (I) can be used as an indicator for the
following therapies. We are not able to give information about the absolute values
of voltage and current because each patient reacts differently sensible to the
A common value for muscle contraction is between 100 – 200 mA. This setting
should result in a contraction of both thights, visible and noticable by the patient.
The patient’s resistance (R) gives information about the electric conductivity of the
system. The resistance should fit to the area of 30 – 200 Ohms. The reason for a
resistance greater than 200 Ohms may be:
No Aloe Vera was used to moisten the electrodes
Bad contact because of oil and/or creme on the skin
*) All values shown on the display are examples!