Example of Cab (Body) Number:
, where:
331040 — cabin index
5 — model year code,
0000125 — cabin serial number.
Fig. 1.2.
A — Location of Cab Identification Number
Д245.7 E2 engine number is stamped on the nameplate (Fig. 1.3) located
on the cylinder block in the middle portion on the righthand side.
Fig. 1.3.
Д245.7 E2 Engine Nameplate
The nameplate contains the following data:
a — engine index;
b — engine serial number
Vehicle identification data also appear on manufacture's plate (Fig. 1.4)
located on the rear pillar of the cab right door.
Chassis, cab and engine numbers refer to the identification data of chassis
and special configuration vehicles for supplying to the other plants for making
their own special vehicles having their own index. Nameplate "GAZ" is not
installed and vehicle identification number does not appear on chassis and the
above vehicles.