User’s Guide
Virus Checking
Any computer system can pick up a ”virus.“ A virus is a hidden program that
is usually attached to an executable file. When you start the file that contains
the virus, it becomes active. Your system can ”catch“ a virus from shared
disks or downloaded files. While some viruses could destroy information or
damage your system, other viruses will simply spell out a message or prevent
you from performing normal computing functions.
Setting up a maintenance schedule will make running your virus check a
habit. Once a month could be often enough to run a check, or if you use
your system more often, once a week.
It is always a good idea to run a virus check after receiving data from
another source.
You can program the system to remind you to perform a virus check using
Virus check reminder:
from the
Security menu
A number of different virus detection packages are available on the market.
Choose one that works with your operating system and hardware setup.