Gates Underwater Products
5111 Santa Fe Street, Suite H San Diego, CA 92109
858-272-2501 800-875-1052 Fax 858-272-1208 [email protected]
June 28, 2006
5. Position controls for mating by pushing them inward and aligning the control
heads with the camera.
The safety latches must be
prior to use to avoid
opening underwater.
It is your responsibility to make sure the latches are
secure and locked, and in good condition. DO NOT enter the water with a
faulty latch. Gates will replace a damaged or faulty latch free of charge.
6. Carefully inspect parting line between front and rear. If this line is not even and free
of gaps all the way around, remove back and find the reason why. (O-ring out of
place, hand strap interference, etc.)
A simple test of the main seal is to try and slip a piece of paper past the o-ring.
A properly sealed housing will have no gaps through which the paper can pass.
7. Check the Port. It should be seated flush on the front bulkhead and no uneven gaps
should exist. If a gap is found, remove the port and re-install per directions in the
‘Port’ section on page 13 of this guide.
8. Power up camera and check all controls. Check all controls for the proper
operation before entering water. The following section describes each control in detail
for proper operation.
General Information
Your Gates housing utilizes 100% mechanical controls to provide you the most reliable
operation possible. They are all rotational in nature: that is, there are no push buttons
that can become sticky or depress under pressure. The controls have no batteries to
change and require little maintenance.
The housing controls are designed by Gates engineers, to the extent possible, to feel and
behave like the camera controls. You can also verify operation on nearly every function
on the external monitor. With time and use, the housing controls will become quite
familiar and you’ll find operating them requires similar skill as the actual camera controls.
To help acquaint you with the housing controls, Gates recommends reviewing each
control individually, how it actuates the corresponding camera control, and actually
operating it to get a ‘feel’ for the control. You can view all front housing controls with the
housing open. After reviewing all controls, perform a ‘simulated’ dive by operating the
controls as you would in the water.
One final note about controls: when operating any control out of water,
you may need
to press the control against the housing, into the position it would naturally
find while under water pressure.
The controls will operate properly in this position.