User Manual & Install Guide
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Main Menu
This subsection enables you to export the device data files for viewing and archival.
Please Note: If you are using the Finger Mouse/LCD combination to navigate you will need to use
a Gatekeeper Systems USB Hub to allow two devices to share the one USB port.
Data Export
All / Export Time
Radio buttons which enable you to choose
between either exporting all data, or data from
a specified time period:
Export Time
Start Time
This consists of the following two input fields:
Date – date field to select the start date
of the specified time period.
Time – time field to select the start
time of the specified time period.
Start time is only applicable if exporting
data using the Export Time option
End Time
This consists of the following two input fields:
Date – date field to select the end date
of the specified time period.
Time – time field to select the end time
of the specified time period.
Start time is only applicable if exporting
data using the Export Time option
File Type
Drop list which allows you to specify the type
of data to be exported:
GPS Data File
Vehicle Info File
ACC Info File
CAN Info File
Dial Info File
Captured Picture
Alarm Log
Operation Log