Initial Start-up
(1) Power on / off
(2) Lock touch-panel for protection against unauthorized modification (to unlock the touch-panel, touch
both buttons 2 and 5 at the same time)
(3a, 3b) Decrease or increase the overall temperature level of all zones combined
(4) Decrease or increase the temperature level of the respective warming zone
(5) Unlock touch-panel (touching both button 2 and 5 at the same time)
(6) Infrared receiver
Touch-Panel Status-LEDs
Temperature Level 1 (lowest temperature)
Temperature Level 2
Temperature Level 3
Temperature Level 4 (highest temperature)
Warning LED: The glass top might be hot from reflected heat by the warmed pot
Please note: The flashing of all LEDs at the same time indicates that too many buttons are touched at the same
time. Among other things, this can happen while cleaning, when a liquid lays on top of several buttons.
Functions of the Remote-Control
(1) Power on / off
(2) Lock / unlock touch-panel
(3a, 3b) Decrease or increase the overall temperature level of all zones combined
(4) Decrease or increase the temperature level of the respective warming zone