VRT Hydraulic Drive
– Monitor Operation
Page 66
RUN/HOLD Function
When the monitor is switched on, the
screen will display ‘
’. This
shows that the metering system is
disengaged and will not operate even if it
receives a ground speed feedback. The
operator can change this status by simply
pressing the ‘RUN/HOLD’ key.
Once ‘OFF HOLD’ the metering
system will operate when it senses a
ground speed, and if the fan speed is above
the ‘fan low alarm’ point.
The trip functions will start recording
the area and rates of application. All alarms
will become active to monitor the seeder’s
To stop the metering system simply
ss the ‘RUN/HOLD’ key and the monitor
will go back to its ‘
’ status.
PRIME Function
The ‘
’ function allows the
operator to start the metering system while
the seeder is stationary. This can be a
useful tool if in the middle of a run or to
ensure correct product flow.
It is possible to alter the prime functions
run time by changing the preset value in the
OPTIONS menu screen.
The prime function can be used similar
to the ‘RUN/HOLD’ key. The operator can be
stationary and on hold. By pressing the
’ soft key and waiting 3 seconds to
allow seed and fertiliser to reach the sowing
boots before driving off, the operator can
ensure complete ground coverage.
When the monitor registers a ground
speed before the prime function stops the
nitor will come ‘OFF HOLD’ automatically.
To stop the metering system simply press
the ‘RUN/HOLD’ function key.
Fig.V6 Prime and Run/Hold key.
Fig.V7 Main screen showing a typical display while operating.