Assembly Instructions
Fig. A14 Ground drive Monitor Mounting.
The monitors require 12 volt DC
power to operate and must be connected
directly to the tractor’s battery. Refer to the
specific Farmscan Operators Manual as
supplied with the monitor for instructions.
Read the installation section thoroughly.
Incorrect installation of the monitors
can affect the operation and performance of
the air seeder.
Care must be taken to ensure that
the monitor and worklight looms are routed
clear of sharp corners and areas that may
damage the cable. Cable tie looms into
The worklight switch bracket should
be fitted as per instructions supplied. The
power to operate the lights should come
directly from the battery.
Please complete you
r ‘Guarantee
Registration form’ that is supplied in the
monitor kit, and mail as per instructions.
Hydraulic System
Before the seeder can be operated it
will be necessary to fit the hydraulic hose kit
to the implement on RT models, and to
have the tractor fitted with the appropriate
hoses to return the flow direct to the tank
for all seeders. Refer to the ‘Hydraulic
System’ section in this manual for further
Distribution System
The distribution system consists of
primary, secondary and tertiary stages.
Components for each stage must be fitted
to the implement (refer Fig. A15).
The distribution system is supplied
as a kit and is fitted once the implement has
been fully assembled.
A distribution layout drawing is often
supplied with a new kit to aid in the
placement of components.
It must be remembered that this
layout is a guide only and may vary slightly
from the actual machine being set-up.
Fitting the Distribution Kit
Step 1. Locate all secondary head
support stands, heads and primary splitters
into position using the layout supplied with
the kit as a guide.
Step 2. Slowly and carefully fold the wings
on the implement observing that
all secondary heads clear the
frame work and each other.
Remember to allow room for the
tertiary hoses. Reposition if a
clearance problem has occurred.
Step 3. Fit the tertiary hoses to check
that the secondary head support towers are
suitably located and that all sowing boots
can be reached.
Step 4. Again slowly and carefully fold the
wings on the implement observing
that all tertiary hoses clear
Reposition if a clearance problem
has occurred.