Launching Garmin Voice-Activated Navigation
Garmin voice-activated navigation allows you to use plain language spoken requests to search for locations and
addresses, start routes with turn-by-turn directions, place hands-free phone calls, and more.
• Say OK, Garmin, and make a spoken request.
For example, you can say phrases like these:
OK, Garmin, take me home.
OK, Garmin, where's the library?
Controlling the Camera Using Voice Commands
1 Say OK Garmin to activate the voice control feature.
The camera plays a tone and starts listening for a command.
2 Say a command:
• To save a video, say Save Video.
• To take a picture, say Take a Picture.
The camera plays a tone when it recognizes your command.
Checking Your Arrival Time
While a route is active, you can say a phrase to check your estimated time of arrival at your destination.
Say OK, Garmin, what time will we arrive?.
Placing a Phone Call Using Your Voice
You can use a voice command to call to a contact from the phone book of your paired smartphone.
Say OK, Garmin, call, and say the contact name.
For example, you can say OK, Garmin, call Mom..
Changing Device Settings Using Your Voice
You can say phrases like these to set device settings to a value from 0 to 10.
• OK, Garmin, increase the volume.
• OK, Garmin, set the volume to 0.
• OK, Garmin, set the volume to 9.
• OK, Garmin, decrease the brightness.
• OK, Garmin, set the brightness to 5.
Map and Vehicle Settings
Select > Map Display.
Map Vehicle Icon: Sets the vehicle icon that represents your position on the map.
Driving Map View: Sets the perspective on the map.
Map Detail: Sets the level of detail on the map. More detail may cause the map to draw slower.
Map Theme: Changes the color of the map data.
Map Layers: Sets the data that appears on the map page (
Customizing the Map Layers, page 35
Auto Zoom: Automatically selects the zoom level for optimal use of your map. When disabled, you must zoom
in or out manually.
Skip Next Stop Confirmation: Sets a confirmation message to appear when skipping a location on your route.
myMaps: Sets which installed maps the device uses.