Q.uick Start Guide
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Double-click on the measurement module to open it in ICP100.
Find the next empty variable (V3 below) and click inside the Type column.
Select the type of virtual variable to create:
Arithmetic – uses standard math functions such as adding, subtracting,
multiplying, and dividing. Also available are min, max, rms, and integration. Real
and other virtual variables within the same measurement module can be used.
Arithmetic variables are not computed at the same speed as the real variables.
Set point – the value of the set point can be obtained within the same module
(source: internal) or from another measurement module (source: external). It can
also be set to a constant.
Alarm – outputs a 0 if none of the conditions are met, otherwise it outputs a 1.
Each alarm can have up to 4 x separate conditions that are combined as logical
OR. The conditions to select from are shown below: