G&D DVIVision ·
Alt key:
The Alt key is located on the left side of the space bar. Usu-
ally, it is pressed in combination with one or more keys.
Alt Gr key:
The Alt Gr key is located on the right side of the space bar. It
is an abbreviation for
alternate Graphics
The ATX form factor was invented by Intel and is a norm for
casings, power packs and motherboards of computers.
AWG (American Wire Gauge) is a coding for the wire gauge.
Backspace key:
The Backspace key is located above the
Enter key.
The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is the basic software
of the computer that is loaded directly after the switch-on of
the computer.
Some G&D devices can be combined with each other to use
the functional range of these devices in parallel. The daisy-
chaining of several devices is called cascade.
Computer module:
The computer, whose signals are transmitted to the remote
console, is connected to the computer module.
The computer to be operated is connected to the computer
module (DVIVision-CPU). It can be operated at the
DVIVision system through the user’s keyboard and mouse.
The console consists of the monitor connected to the
DVIVision system as well as a keyboard and a mouse. The
console enables to access the connected computer.
Ctrl key:
The Ctrl key (abbreviation for “control”) is located at the bot-
tom left and right corner within the main key block of the
Double hotkey:
Optionally to the use of a hotkey, the user can activate a dou-
ble hotkey. It consists of two hotkeys that have to be pressed
at the same time.
Hot plug:
The hot plug technology enables the changing of hardware
while the computer is in operation. Directly after the change
such hardware is ready for operation.
Hotkey delay:
In the default setting of the DVIVision system the key combi-
nation to call the setup function has to be pressed for seven
seconds. The user can deactivate this hotkey delay.
The hotkey is part of a key combination to operate the
DVIVision. The keys
Alt Gr
can be
defined as hotkey.
Key combination:
A key combination (e.g.
) consists of several
keys. These keys have to be pressed simultaneously. By
pressing these keys, a control command is transmitted to the
connected computer or to the DVIVision system.
Main key block:
The main key block consists of the alphanumeric keys.