SUPPORTS - pag. SU 9
Tub holder
For a correct and safe usage of the tub holder with COMPACT it is necessary to
read carefully the text contained in sections “INFORMATION” (from pag. IN 1) and
“BODY” (from pag. BO 1) of the usage instructions.
The tub holder must be placed on the poles of the holding frame (pag. SU 4; see
lay-out on pag. SU 1).
Failure to observe the prescriptions and the procedures described in this
document absolves the manufacturer of any responsibility for damages to things
or people.
Function / Features
This support has the function
of sustaining needle tubs
(either rectangular, as shown
in this picture, or circular
The tub holder can be easily
placed everywhere on the
poles of the supporting frame
(pag. SU 4).
Assemble the support on one of the
two poles of the holding frame
Insert the clamp (a) and fix it with a
cross screwdriver.
Insert the tub.
Follow the procedure described for assembly in reverse order.
Refer to what is reported on pag. IN 12.
Decommissioning and disposal
Refer to what is reported on pag. IN 14.