s, outputshorts output interleaved shorts instead of complex floats
M, lockmasterclocktoSMA
lock usrp2 100 Mhz master clock to external 10 Mhz
reference clock on SMA input
P, synctofirst1PPS
reset the usrp2 samplecounter on the first PPS
received on the PPS SMA input
set start_at time of first RX packet in usrp2 100 Mhz
clockpulses (long) [default=1 start immediately]
set start_at time of first RX packet in seconds
(float) [default=1.0 start immediately]
give a programname to start this as external program
just before streaming starts (string) [default=None do
not start an external program]
v, verbose verbose output
GPRIII acquisition profile [default=None]
6.2 Quality control field analysis of data
Here we group the programs that are needed to check data quality. That includes range profile analysis,
(gpri2_plot.py) conversion of raw data to SLC (gpri2_proc.py and gpri2_proc_all.py) and MLI
(multi_look) and visualisation (raspwr), and computation of an interferogram of two co-registered
images (create_offset, SLC_intf) and visualisation rasmph_pwr. The tools shall allow to get an idea
about data quality in the field.
6.2.1 gpri2_plot.py
Usage: gpri2
_plot.py v1.2 30-Nov-2010: [options] profile raw_data
Takes a gpri2 raw data set and instrument profile and displays the two
channels and the slant range echo. The start position in the file can be set
by specifying -o or --offset and defaults to 0 (the start of the file). A
specified number of points can be set to zero using the -z option
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DATA_TYPE, --data-type=DATA_TYPE
Specify the data type (float32, int16 [default=int16])
-o OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET
Specify record offset to begin display [default=0]
-z ZERO, --zero=ZERO number of samples to set to 0 at the start of the
echo: [default=0]
-s STRIDE, --stride=STRIDE
spacing between successive display records:
-y YMAX, --ymax=YMAX maximum value for range-profile magnitude: