1 Positioner with tribach leveler
1 Laser Plummet Battery Pack
Additional items necessary for field work
Power generator with spare fuel
Network Switch and 2 Ethernet cables
Laptop computer
Backup disk
Drill and screws, washers, anchors to fix the tripod to the ground (6mm screws should be fine)
socket screw key (socket screw key) 5mm
4.2 Instrument Hardware
The GPRI-II instrument benefits from the experience of the GPRI-1 in the mechanical and electronic
The GPRI-II has the following enhancements with respect to the GPRI-1:
1. Improved tower support based on the industry standard Leica mount system with a custom
designed tribrach for leveling and repositioning.
2. Azimuth scanner based on Newmark RMS-5S (IP67) rotary stage. Continuous scanning with a
single sweep acquisition 10 deg/sec.
3. Slotted-waveguide antennas 2.06m long, beam 0.4 azimuth beam. 37.5 deg. elevation pattern
4. DDS controlled chirp generator design with improved phase noise and negligible spurs (AD-
5. Self-contained Linux-based computer for scheduling, data acquisition, processing, and display.
Linux OS (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) with web and scheduling services and supports the security
required for autonomous operation.
6. ETTUS USRP2 Software Defined Radio (SDR) dual-channel 14-bit streaming Analog to
Digital Converters (ADC).
7. Improved cabling with a single cable from the RF enclosure to the Peli-Case containing the
instrument controller, power-supply, and SDR.
8. Power input of 110-240 VAC and +24VDC. Weather sealed enclosures (IP65) with cooling via
heat-sinks and internal fan. Operation over temperature range -20 to +40C.