© Galvin Engineering Pty Ltd
Product Installation Guidelines
Version 1, 19 October 2022, Page
3. Trimming box
When the finished wall is ready, detach
the installation cover. Retain the
Cut off the protruding part of the box.
4. Flush the pipe-work
Attach flushing kit (not supplied) to P/T
Direct the hose into basin. Slowly
change the ball valve position to
‘F U H’
When all pipework is correctly flushed
turn the v ves k t ‘C O E’
position, detach flushing kit and plug
back the P/T port.
A flushing kit is available. For more information,
please visit www.galvinengineering.com.au.
5. Attach frame
Screw in the inner part of the spout to the
mixing valve body until it stops. Tighten to
a torque of 10Nm.
Attach frame using the screws removed
from the installation cover.
Align the position of the back nut with the
faceplate recess in frame and secure
using grab screw. The back nut must
support the back of the faceplate when
6. Sensor activation.
Che k f the v ves re n the ‘C O E’
Connect the temperature relay cable and
solenoid cable to the sensor, temperature
monitoring cable with temperature relay
cable and then the sensor with
t v te the ‘Temp r ry ff’ fun t n (see
section 7.2 Sensor Setting Instructions).
w y turn the n ets v ves t ‘Open’
There are two male connectors in the controller. The
solenoid can be connected to any of them.
f f w ppe r fr m the ut et the ‘Temp r ry ff’ fun t n
h sn’t een t v ted t v te the fun t n g n
Installation cover