Following the instructions to add an asset to your app:
From the bottom of
the Inventory page
select "+ Add Device"
and select an asset
type. There are 6
asset types to choose
from: water tank, cow
trough, dam, irrigation,
liquid fertiliser and
diesel tank.
To configure your
asset profile, under
Asset Settings, enter
the asset dimensions
for Height (Depth) in
Metres or Feet and
Total Volume in Litres
or Gallons. Tap "Next".
From the dropdown
select "Sensor Type
& Length" and tap
"Next" The sensor
length is indicated on
the packaging.
Name your Asset.
Give your asset a
unique name to easily
identify it. Tap "Next"
E.g. "Workshop Diesel
Tank': "Paddock 6
Water Tank"
This information is critical for accurate level calculations of your asset. Hence, it is
important to ensure that the measurements provided are correct.