Gala Gar, S.L. c/ Jaime Ferrán, 19 (Políg. Cogullada) | Tel.: (+34) 976 47 34 10 - 50014 ZARAGOZA |
Select upslope time setting function by pressing the welding parameter selecting key, and set the upslope time.
Select peak welding current setting function by pressing the welding parameter selecting key, and set the peak
welding current.
Select base current setting function by pressing the welding parameter selecting key, and set the base current.
Select downslope time setting function by pressing the welding parameter selecting key, and set the downslope time.
Select pilot arc current setting function by pressing the welding parameter selecting key, and set the pilot arc current.
Select post-flow time setting function by pressing the welding parameter selecting key, and set the post-flow time.