Report generation (1/2)
2020 Mindmaze SA & Gait Up SA. All Rights Reserved. MindMaze, Gait Up, Gait Up GO the Mindmaze LOGO, the Gait Up LOGO and Physilog are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Mindmaze Holding SA.
Direct access to the report
Access the report later
If your account has enough credits, tap
to generate the report directly after the test.
To buy credits refer to Instruction for Use or contact [email protected].
Note: If the
access to the
is not previously activated refer to the next section
the report
To access the report later enter login information, select the participant then
to access the
report list.
Note: - A green checkmark means that the tests is already generated and can be accessed.
- A lock means the user should use one credit to generate and access the report