Get started with GaitUp GO
Normal use (2/ 2)
2020 Mindmaze SA & Gait Up SA. All Rights Reserved. MindMaze, Gait Up, Gait Up GO the Mindmaze LOGO, the Gait Up LOGO and Physilog are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Mindmaze Holding SA.
The Physilog6 will connect automatically after
selecting the test if it has previously been
linked to the mobile application.
Follow carefully the instructions that appear
on the mobile application screen. The location
of the sensor device vary depending on the
test to be performed. Follow the instructions
shown on the screen and tap
At the end of the test, save or discard the
result of the previous test.
A confirmation request appears to use
one credit to generate the report
NOTE: If the
access to the
is not activated the results will
be automatically saved in the phone and
the report can be generated later.
Test type
Stop automatically after:
Monopodal balance comparison 30 seconds (x 2)
One leg balance
30 seconds
Balance on two legs
30 seconds
Semi-tandem balance
30 seconds
Romberg test
30 seconds (x 2)
Sit to stand transfer
5 sit to stand detected
Vertical jump 1 leg
1 jump detected (x 2)
Vertical jump 2 legs
3 jumps detected
2 minutes walking test
2 minutes
Timed Up and Go
1 Timed Up and Go detected
Timed Up and Go in dual task
1 Timed Up and Go detected
Start the test
by following the
instructions on the mobile application.
Stop the test: some tests stop automatically
after performing the movement. If the test is
not listed below, tap
to stop the test.
NOTE: If the test did not stop automatically,