Governors America Corp. © 2021 Copyright All Rights Reserved
ESD5500-II Fusion Series Speed Control Unit 1-2020-A4 PIB2180
Mount in a cabinet, en-
gine enclosure, or sealed
metal box.
Preferred vertical orienta-
tion allows for the draining
of fluids in moist environ
Avoid Extreme Heat
An overspeed shutdown device, independent of the governor system, should be used to prevent loss of
engine control which may cause personal injury or equipment damage.
Do not rely exclusively on the governor system electric actuator to prevent overspeed. A secondary shutoff
device, such as a fuel solenoid must be used.
When wiring eSD5500-II Series controllers:
1. Use shielded cable for all external connections to the eSD controller
2. One end of each shield, including the speed sensor shield, should be grounded to a single point on the ESD case.
3. Terminal A, B, E,and F should be 16 AWG or larger. Long cables require increased wire size to minimize voltage drops.
4. Magnetic speed sensors Terminals C and D must be twisted and or shielded for the entire length.
5. The gap between the speed sensor and the ring gear teeth should be smaller than 0.02 in [0.5 mm] usually backing out 3/4 turn after
touching ring gear teeth. Speed sensor voltage should be at lease 1 V AC RMS during cranking.
6. Terminal P is used to 10 V DC regulated supply to accessories. No more than 20 mA of current can be drawn from this supply.
Ground reference is Terminal G. A short circuit in this terminal can damage the speed control unit.
7. Do not over-tighten terminals
. Torque to no greater than 9.0 in-lb ±2.5 [1.01 ±0.28 N∙m].
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