Governors America Corp. © 2021 Copyright All Rights Reserved
EEG7500 Enhanced Electric Governor 8-2021-A8 PIB5115
I/o confIGUraTIon
I / O Configuration maps physical input and output connections between the EEG7500 controller, the engine, and other hardware.
Physical Input mapping
allows you to choose from 15 options to relate that terminal to a hardware device. For example:
A potentiometer is wired at Terminal 7 (Analog In) on the EEG7500 controller to support Variable Speed
In the GAConfig Tool
Set I/O Configuration
Analog Input Mode
AI 1 to 0 - 5 V DC
Set Physical Input Mapping
Variable Speed Input to Analog Input 1
Output Configuration
connects to data points outside the system, such as speed switches and position switches, setting a digital output
mode mapping the output source to a specific event. Physical output mapping sets a specific output to a specific function. such as shut
ting down the actuators, changing speed.
aDvanceD confIGUraTIon
QUIck confIGUraTIon
The advanced configuration menu lets you set
up aux and load sharing, droop and trim as well
as configure J1939 settings and general system
Auxiliary settings, Droop, Speed Trim
J1939 message display, mapping, and control
See overall system and software information
like engine runtime and last fault time
The Quick Configuration menu includes all
the menu settings for the EEG7500 available
in the GAConfig Tool in one menu area.
Use this menu with its multiple tabs to update
parameter settings directly.