< Basic Operation >
Each transmitter has an individually assigned, unique ID code. In order to start operation, the receiver
must be linked with the ID code of the transmitter to which it is being paired. Once the link is made,
the ID code is stored in the receiver and no further linking is necessary unless the receiver is to be used
with another transmitter. When you purchase additional R7008SB receivers, this procedure is necessary;
otherwise the receiver will not work.
1. Place the transmitter and the receiver close
to each other within half (0.5m) meter.
2. Turn on the transmitter.
3. Select [System type] at the Linkage menu
and access the setup screen shown below
by tapping the screen.
4. When you use two receivers on one model,
you must change from [Single] to [Dual].
*Only two receivers can be used. In
"Dual", two setting items come out. Input,
5. Battery fail-safe voltage can be changed
from the initial value of 3.8V here.
* Only in FASSTest/T-FHSS Mode.
6.[Link] is tapped. The transmitter will emit a
chime as it starts the linking process.
7. When the transmitter starts to chime, power
on the receiver. The receiver should link to
the transmitter within about 1 second.
8. If linking fails, an error message is displayed.
Bring the transmitter closer to the receiver
and repeat the procedure above from Step 2.
Less than 0.5 m
In "Link" Mode
Receiver ON
In Dual, a primary receiver (Rx1) is
linked first. Next, a secondary (Rx2)
receiver is linked.
ID of a primary
receiver displays.
ID of a secondary
receiver displays.