Manual Introductory Section
The instructions contained in this book are
written in great detail so that you may easily
understand the capabilities of your PCM 1024Z
system. We recommend that you spend some time
reading these instructions so that you can have a
good feel of what the system can do.
After this introduction are some words about
safety and proper operation of your Futaba
system. Next is a section on general operational
principles, including adjustments that you can
make on the transmitter to make it 'fit'your flying
Next are instructions for system-level program-
ming. This system-level programming is important
because it is used with all three types of models
that the PCM 1024Z system can be set up for. This
includes model menu selection, system voltmeter
operation, tachometer usage, servo bar graph dis-
play, trainer setup, and model data transmission
and copying.
A section on general model settings follows.
This section covers the topics of model setup that
are common to all model types, such as setting
throws, servo reversing, type selection, model nam-
ing, and others. The remainder of the menus are
specific to the particular type of model.
After the general section is a list of the common
condition menus that apply to all three types of
aircraft that the 1024A system can accommodate.
This is followed by three sections which describe
the setup procedures for aircraft, helicopters, and
sailplanes. At the beginning of each model setup
section is an example setup procedure that de-
scribes all the steps needed to set up all the desired
flight conditions for a model. Each of these sec-
tions assume that you are familiar with the general
system-level operations sections.
The rear of the manual contains blank data
tables that may be used to record the data that
you have programmed into your system, and con-
tains technical details of this system. Be sure to
make a photocopy of the blank data tables before
you write in them.
We hope that you find the PCM 1024Z System
Manual very hopeful. Please feel free to write to
Futaba if you feel that any corrections or clarifica-
tions should be made.
Manual Introductory Section, Page 6