Model Setting Section
This function is used to select the type of
model from airplane, helicopter, and sailplane.
Sailplanes may be set up with either two wing
servos (2-S), four wing servos (4-S), or five wing
servos (5-S).
The model type function automatically selects
the appropriate mixing functions for the chosen
model type, so you must refer to the particular
model section of this manual to determine the
appropriate servo connections.
When the Model Type Selection command is
invoked, all the data in the active memory is
cleared. Be sure that you don't mind losing this
data, or back it up to another memory using the
copying functions.
Model Type Selection Usage
In the Model Menu, press the
TYP key to get the
Model Type Selection menu.
Type Selection Keys
Return to Model Menu
Select the appropriate model type by pressing the key
underneath the view of the model: F for Helicopter. I
for Airplane, or L for sailplane. If the selection is correct,
press the
YES ( R ) key, otherwise reselect the type
after pressing the NO ( Q) key-If you have selected the Sailplane model type, you
now must select the wing type from the submenu that
appears. Use the 2, 4, or 5 ( K, L, or M) keys to
select the wing type. If the selection is correct, press the
YES (R) key, otherwise reselect the type after pres-
sing the NO (Q) key.
When complete, exit by pressing the END (N) key.
Model Setting Section, Page 49