Insert the eraser end of the pen into the loop.
Do not wedge the pen buttons inside the loop. Doing so may
cause the buttons to be continually depressed and possibly fail.
You can also lay the pen flat on your desk.
Important: The pen may be damaged if it falls out of an unsuitable
stand. The sensitivity of your pen may be affected if stored in a
container where it rests on the tip or eraser.
The pen tip (nib) will wear with normal use. Excessive pressure will
cause the nib to wear sooner.
It’s easy to tell when your pen nibs are
wearing out. You’ll feel more drag when you draw, or it will seem like
your scratching the overlay with your pen
A worn nib may damage the coating on your display screen. To avoid
this, periodic tip replacement is recommended.
When the nib gets too short or develops a sharp edge, you can replace it
with one of the extra nibs that came with the pen.