4. The Update Manager fetches the update data required from the repos-
itory and defines the update jobs. In addition to the actual update data
each online update job contains an update tool for the component con-
cerned and the job control file with the required parameters.
5. The update jobs are transferred to the update agent (socket com-
6. The update agent starts an update handler (an auxiliary routine of the
agent), and this starts the update tool with the parameters required for
the components concerned.
7. The values returned by the update tool are evaluated by the handler and
returned to the agent.
8. The update agent updates the job status information.
9. The Update Manager fetches the current status and error information
and presents it on the graphical user interface or, if you are using the
CLI, places it in result files.
10. Depending on the request-specific parameters, the server may need to
be rebooted by the management station at the end of the update oper-
ation in order to enable the updated components.
If you use the command line interface for the update, the reboot does
NOT occur automatically. It must be explicitly executed with the com-
The update procedure has then been completed.
ServerView Update Management
3.1 Online update