Chapter 2 Operating the Library
2.5 Configuring the Library
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT260 Tape Library User’s Guide -Panel Operation-
Copyright 2016 FUJITSU LIMITED
Resetting the default settings
To reset the library configuration to the default settings, click Reset Default Settings and select Yes.
Resetting the list of known drives and modules
To reset the list of known drives and modules, click Reset the List of Known Drives and Modules and select Yes.
Resetting hardware configuration
To reset the hardware configuration, click Reset Hardware Configuration and select Yes.
Configuring the Date and Time Format
To configure date and time format parameters and to use an SNTP server, from the Configuration area, navi-
gate to the System > Date and Time Format screen.
Setting the Time Zone
Click Time Zone.
A list of continents, countries, and regions is displayed. When an item proceeded with “>”, for example>
US, is selected, a submenu is displayed in the next column.
Resetting the list of known drives and modules will cause the library to re-discover only the drives and
modules that are physically present. This operation will alter the list of element addresses reported to hosts
and will re-number the drives and modules. This operation cannot be undone. After the operation
completes, use one of the partition wizards to modify partitioning as needed.
Resetting the Hardware Configuration will cause the library to re-discover the currently present hardware.
This operation cannot be undone. After the operation completes, use one of the partition wizards to modify
partitioning as needed.
The library does not adjust its time for daylight saving time; the time must be adjusted manually.