The spray pattern is fan-shaped, so for a larger sized fan you do not have
much choice - you will be at or close to the
maximum 8” distance
. It’s impos-
sible to produce a large spray pattern if you hold the spraygun too close to the
object - there is no room for the fan pattern to expand.
As you move closer with the gun, the fan will become a smaller size. So for
instance, what was 10” wide at a distance of 8” becomes about 2” fan at 2”
When you want to paint something that is, let’s say, 2” across and 6ft long -
you will fi nd it much easier to follow the object if you move the gun closer. This
will give you the ability to control your pass from side to side properly without
wandering all over the place. Plus it will reduce overspray. Imagine spraying
1/2 chair spindles from 8” away with a spraygun when you don’t have bristles
(as you do with a brush) to help guide you - it’s very diffi cult. So simply adjust
the pattern to be smaller and cleaner (pattern control knob 6073) and move in
close until the fan is the exact same size as the spindles. Once you are close,
you will be able to guide the spraygun easily and it will not be as important to
have a completely steady hand.
As an aside - it is usually not possible to bring the sprayhead close to the
object with other methods of spraying (high-pressure for instance). Doing so
would produce bounceback. The pressure is much less with turbine HVLP so
this is not a problem.
When spraying, never turn the gun upside down. The cup should never be
higher than horizontal. The 1 Quart cup must always be lower than the gun.
(On the gravity gun, it’s the opposite, the cup must be higher than the gun - at
least no lower than horizontal).
Upon stopping spraying for any reason, fi rst turn off the turbine.
Disconnect the hose and then carefully open the cup to release pressure. It’s
best to hang up the gun - use any type of hook or rod for this.
Do not stand the gun on a bench or even the fl oor because it will always be
prone to falling over which could damage the spraygun and cause paint to fl ow
up the pressure tube and into the spraygun.
Any paint in the pressure tube 2024 or nipples 2023 the tube is attached to,
causes reduced amounts of paint through the gun. This is because the cup
pressure is too low. Air is being restricted through the nipples by the paint
blockage. The symptom will be little or no paint and the reason will always
be the nipples or pressure tube being clogged with dried paint. We suggest
always having extra pressure tubes on hand.
All PLATINUM Turbines are built with the Fuji Spray Heat Dissipation Box™.
Excess heat is channeled directly to this outlet located at rear of the case.
There is no maintenance required for the Heat Dissipation Box™.
The Q5 PLATINUM Turbine is installed with Variable Speed Control Dial on
the front of your Turbine case. This feature off ers the ability to adjust the psi
to the optimum needed to perfectly atomize your coating and yet reduce the
overspray/bounceback to an absolute minimum.
Please refer to “www.fujispray.com/technical” or the Fuji Spray “FAQ” page.
Here you will fi nd detailed instructions on the most effi cient way to use this Dial.
It is important to clean or replace your fi lters regularly. Operating the Turbine
unit with clogged or dirty fi lters will cause the Turbine to overheat and result
in premature failure. The Fuji HVLP Turbines have either 1 or 2 Filters. To
remove, simply pull the Filters out from Filter Enclosure. Wash in warm soapy
water and
before replacing.
All Fuji Filters are a friction fi t. The Filter must fi ll the entire Filter Enclosure.
Mini-Mite GOLD Turbine has two
fi lters, fi ne and coarse. The
fi ne Filter is installed to the left side and the coarse to the right side (as seen
looking at the front of the Turbine where the Hose is connected).
Cleaning your fi lters regularly is essential to maintaining your Turbine. It
is always a good idea to have a spare pair of fi lters on hand.
Turbine Filter part numbers:
- Mini-Mite GOLD Turbine (square shape fi lters) - Part # 4009-2
- Mini-Mite PLATINUM Turbine (semi-circle shape fi lters) - Part # 7224-2
- Q GOLD and PLATINUM Turbine fi lter- Part # 5029
All HVLP Turbines are designed for intermittent use. When taking a break
between coats or stepping aside to refi ll your cup, it’s good practice to turn the
Turbine off during this time. This allows the machine to cool off .
When spraying, always ensure that the Turbine unit is at least 15 feet away from
spray project and in a well ventilated area. This will prevent any overspray or
debris being ingested into the Turbine. Failure to do this may cause the fi lters
to clog, resulting in damage to the internal motor.
If you experience a problem with your Turbine unit, please
try to open
and service the Turbine yourself. Contact us for technical assistance.
If it is an issue of no power, check your power outlet. Also, try re-setting the
Breaker on the back of the turbine by pressing it once.