Section 1 Specifications
(4) Resource fatal fault factor %MW10.2 (Read only)
This area indicates the factors of fatal faults. If a fatal fault occurs, the resource (main unit) stops operation.
(5) Resource nonfatal fault factor %MW10.4 (Read only)
This area indicates the factors of nonfatal faults. Even if a nonfatal fault occurs, the resource (main unit) continues operation.
CPU error
ON when a fatal fault occurs in the main unit.
Not used
Memory error
ON when an error occurs in the memory in the main unit.
Not used
Application error
ON when an error is found in an application program or system definition.
I/O error
ON when communication between the main unit and a healthy unit is
interrupted. I/O errors are not detected if no healthy unit is mounted.
Not used
%MX10.2.13 Other hardware error
ON when an error occurs in hardware other than the CPU, memory and I/O.
%MX10.2.14 Not used
%MX10.2.15 User fatal fault
ON when one of the user fatal fault flags (%MX10.14.0 to %MX10.166.15) is
turned ON by an application program.
Arithmetic processor error
Hardware error in the arithmetic LSI in the main unit
Not used
Not used
Memory error
ON when an error occurs in the memory in the main unit.
Not used
Application error
ON when an error is found in an application program or system definition.
Not used
%MX10.4.14 Battery error
ON when voltage of the data backup battery drops or when the battery
connection switch is OFF.
%MX10.4.15 User nonfatal fault
ON when one of the user nonfatal fault flags (%MX10.18.0 to %MX10.20.15)
is turned ON by a user program.
(6) CPU error factor %MW10.6 (Read only)