To Import a project click the arrow icon.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature only supports import from the 32-bit version of Studio,
there is no export option currently available from the 64-bit Studio.
File Management
To access the tools to Move, Delete, Rename, Reprocess and Stitch files together use the
left mouse button to access the sub menu that will appear when the mouse is over the scan
you wish to work with.
When you choose to
move an item a pop-up
will appear that will ask
what project you wish
to move the scan to.
Reprocessing allows
you to re-apply the 3D
algorithms to the raw
scan data. This will
enable scans to be
updated and improved as
the 3D processing
The lower pane window
The lower pane is where you can browse and select your scans once you have selected a
scan in a project. Once selected they will open in the built-in 3D viewer.
When you delete a scan it is NOT placed in the recycle bin it is immediately