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CONTROL PANEL (Function keys on the operating panel)
Single wrapping (only up) and double wrapping (up/down) function.
Press Automatic selector
yellow key (right LED on).
Choice of wrapping (function specifics):
Wrapping only during carriage ascent (left LED turns on (2)).
By pressing start
, the carriage reaches the bottom limit switch of the column
and stops, the turntable starts rotating and performs the amount of rpms set in the
bottom wrapping
(0-9). If the number of low rpms = 0, at turntable start the
carriage starts ascent up to the pallet top height plus the height set in the Special
Function 1 “Pallet top height”, i.e. to the top of the film above the top of the pallet.
The carriage now stops and the turntable performs the amount of rpms set in the
top wrapping
(0-9). End of cycle.
Wrapping during carriage ascent and carriage descent cycles (right
LED turns on (1)).
Same performance as carriage ascent.
The carriage now descends until it reaches the bottom limit switch of the column
and stops.
The turntable senses the last turn and stops. Now the carriage ascends to the
height set in the “Lift height carriage”. (Parameter 22, settable from 0-50 cm), in
the “Menu 1 hidden parameters”.
End of cycle.
During an automatic cycle, by keeping the Wrapping Function pressed, the
turntable continues turning and the carriage stops.
Top-sheet function
Only in Automatic Mode (single/double wrapping)
Press Automatic selector
yellow key (right LED on).
Press Top-sheet Function Automatic mode key (yellow icon), LED turns on.
Function specifics:
when the pallet top has been reached, with the turntable still rotating, the carriage
descends the length set in the Top-Sheet function parameter, after which the table
also stops and the machine goes in stand-by. By pressing
, the turntable
rotates and the carriage ascends up to the height of the pallet top and, if set, to an
additional height corresponding to the Overlap parameter. High rpms are executed
and from here the cycle continues normally.
You can set the carriage descent height value with respect to
the pallet top value. The value of this descent can be set from
a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 9 (5 stroke).
to exit.