LISP: FRITZ!Box as a LISP Router
FRITZ!Box 7272
Properties of RLOC and EID
Components of a LISP System
specifies the location where the addressed network
(network segment or network device) is located
is assigned by the Internet service provider
is a public IP address
is contained in the external header of the LISP packet
can be an IPv4 address
can be an IPv6 address
identifies a network (network segment or network de-
is assigned by the LISP provider
is contained in the internal header of the LISP packet
can be an IPv4 address
can be an IPv6 address
can be a public IP address
can be a private, non-public IP address
Mapping system The mapping system is responsible for allocating
the EIDs to the RLOCs.
ETR (Egress Tun-
nel Router)
The ETR accepts IP packets whose destination IP
address contained in the external header is the
ETR’s own RLOC. ETR unpacks the LISP packets.
ITR (Ingress Tun-
nel Router)
The ITR accepts IP packets from members of the
local IP network (EID network) and packs them
into LISP packets. The external header of the LISP
packet contains the RLOC of the destination net-
work (remote EID network) as the destination ad-