100-200 IOM (FEB 09)
Page 66
Applied Service Factor, 40
Automanual Switch, 34
Average Current, 33
Baseplate Temperature, 33
Capacity Regulations, 36
Clear Standby Time, 32
Clear VSD Memory, 33
Converter Heatsink Temp, 33
Current Phase, 33
Current Value Timer, 33
DC Bus Voltage, 33
DC Inverter Link Current, 33
fault flags, 34
flydown menu, 31
Full Load Amps, 33
High Motor Amps, 39
Home Screen Service Level 2, 30
Input Power, 33
Line Frequency Jumper, 34
Low Motor Amps, 38
Manual Speed Switch Status, 33
Modbus Node ID, 34
motor nameplate, 38
Motor Temperature, 33
motor temperature, 31
No Faults Signal, 34
operational parameters, 31
Output Frequency, 33
Output Voltage, 33
PID Setup, 37
Precharge Contactor, 34
Recycle Delay, 38
setpoint parameters, 34
Speed Command value, 34
Standby mode, 32
start-up, 34
Supply Contactor, 34
Total Demand Distortion, 33
Total Harmonic Distortion, 33
Vyper™ Level 2 Screen, 47
Vyper™ Level 2 screen, 46
Quantum™LX Panel, 54
Quantum™LX panel, 16, 23, 27, 46, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
Rate of Decrease, 41
Rate of Decrease Delay Time, 41
Rate of Increase, 41
Rate of Increase Delay Time, 41
RMS, 50
saturation voltage, 54
SCR/Diode block, 56
screw compressor, 7
SCR trigger, 51
SCR Trigger Control, 54
Serial Communications, 52
Serial data, 52
Serial Number, 3
slide valve, 42, 44
Slide Valve, 41, 45
Solid-state, 11
start-up, 34, 42, 50
SW1 switch, 52
temperature sensor, 12, 55
temperature sensors, 20, 27
test button, 51
thermistors, 23
thermistor sensor, 55
Total Demand Distortion, 53
Total Harmonic Distortion, 7
transformer, 7
transformer voltage, 7
Trim Pot Adjustment, 28
VSD fault, 51
VSD memory, 32
Vyper Pre-Installation Site Check List, 5
Vyper Pre-Operation Site Check List, 5
Vyper™ Logic board, 52, 53, 56, 57
water pump, 55
Water Recommendations, 8