100-200 IOM (FEB 09)
Page 55
down. The single-phase control uses circuitry to detect the
loss of any one of the three input phases. The trigger board
will detect the loss of a phase within one half line cycle of the
phase loss. An LED on the SCR Trigger board will indicate
that the board is detecting the fault, and not a wiring problem
between the trigger board and the Vyper
logic board. This
message is also displayed every time power to the Vyper
restored or if the input power dips to a very low level. Usually
it indicates that someone has opened the disconnect switch.
Many times one of the input fuses (F1-F3) to the trigger
board has failed.
Fault 27: Vyper 105% Motor Current Overload
Quantum: “Fault 27”
Quantum LX: “VSD 105% Motor Current Overload Fault”
The Vyper
Logic Board generates this shutdown by read-
ing the current from the 3 output current transformers. The
shutdown is generated when the Vyper
Logic board has
detected that the highest of the three output phase currents
has exceeded 105% of the programmed 100% full load amps
(FLA) value for more than 40 seconds. If this is detected,
the unit will trip and the Quantum
LX panel will display the
fault message. The 100% FLA setpoint is determined by
adjustment of the FLA trim pot on the logic board. This fault
will require clearing using the manual reset button located
on the Logic board. The overload timer resides in the Field
Programmable Gate Array which is programmed by the serial
E^^2 PROM on unit power-up.
Fault 28: Vyper High DC Current Bus Voltage
Quantum: “Fault 28”
Quantum LX: “Vyper High DC Current Bus Voltage”
The DC link overvoltage trip level is determined by hardware
on the logic board and it is designed to trip the unit at 745
+/- 17 VDC for both 60 and 50 Hz VSD’s. If the DC bus cur-
rent exceeds this level, the unit will trip and the Quantum
Panel will display the message Fault 28.
If this shutdown occurs, it will be necessary to look at the level
of the 460 VAC applied to the Vyper
. The specified voltage
range is 414 to 508. If the incoming voltage is in excess of
508, steps should be taken to reduce the voltage to within
the specified limits.
Fault 29: Vyper logic Board Power Supply
Quantum: “Fault 29”
Quantum LX: “VSD Logic Board Power Supply Fault”
The various DC power supplies which power the Logic Board
are monitored via hardware located on the Logic Board. If
any of these power supplies fall outside their allowable limits,
the unit will trip and the Quantum
LX Panel will display the
fault message.
The Vyper
Logic Board generates this shutdown, and it
indicates that one of the low voltage power supplies for
the Vyper
Logic Board has dropped below their allowable
operating limits. The power supplies for the logic boards are
derived from the secondary of the 120 to 24 VAC transformer
which in turn is derived from the 480 to 120 VAC control
transformer. The 24 VAC input to the logic board can be
checked across wires 219 and 220 of the J5 connector of
the logic board. This message usually means that power to
the Vyper
was removed. If this was not the case, check the
DC voltage test points on the Vyper
Logic Board for the
+15, +5, +7.5, -15, +3.3 and +2.5 VDC with respect to TPH
(Ground). If any of these voltages are incorrect, replace the
Logic Board. This message normally appears when
the power is removed and reapplied.
Fault 33: Vyper low DC Bus Voltage
Quantum: “Fault 33”
Quantum LX: “VSD Low DC Bus Voltage Fault”
The DC link under voltage trip level must be set at 500 VDC
for 60 Hz and 414 VDC for 50 Hz VSD’s. If the DC link drops
below this level, the unit will trip.
If the DC link voltage drops below 500 VDC for 60 Hz, or 414
VDC for 50 Hz, the Vyper
Logic Board will initiate a system
shutdown. A common cause for this shutdown is a severe sag
in the AC line to the drive. Monitor the incoming three-phase
AC line for severe sags, and also monitor the DC bus voltage
with a digital meter. If the AC line or the DC bus voltage is
not dropping, check the wiring and connections from the DC
bus to the Bus Voltage Isolator Board (wires 224, 225 and
226), and from this board to the Vyper
Logic Board (wires
221, 222 and 223). Also check the associated connectors.
Measure the voltage at J3 on the Vyper
Logic Board to verify
the voltage is getting to the board. If no problem is found,
try replacing the Bus Isolation board (031-01624) and the
Logic board.
Fault 34: Vyper DC Bus Voltage Imbalance
Quantum: “Fault 34”
Quantum LX: “DC Bus Voltage Imbalance Fault”
The 1/2 DC link voltage magnitude must remain within ± 88
VDC of the total DC link voltage divided by two for both 60
and 50 Hz VSD’s. If the 1/2 DC link magnitude exceeds the
± 88 volt window, the unit will trip and the Quantum
LX will
display the message Fault 34.
The DC link is filtered by many large, electrolytic capacitors
which are rated for 450 VDC. These capacitors are wired in
series to achieve a 900 VDC capability for the DC link. It is
important that the voltage be shared equally from the junction
of the center, or series capacitor connection, to the negative
bus and to the positive bus. This center point should be ap-
proximately ½ of the total DC link voltage. If the voltage is
greater than ±88 VDC from the ½ of the total DC link voltage,
then this shutdown will occur.
First verify the operation of the DC bus voltage isolation
board, and all associated wiring to the Vyper
Logic Board.
Many times the actual bus voltage imbalance conditions
are caused by a shorted capacitor or a leaky or shorted
IGBT transistor in the power unit. In order to check for these
conditions, connect a 12 VDC source (such as a battery
charger used to charge automobile batteries) and apply 12
VDC between the positive bus and negative bus plates on
power unit while measuring the voltage from center to plus
and center to minus. The bank that is causing the imbalance
will be evident via unequal voltage readings.
Fault 35: Vyper High Internal Ambient Temperature
Quantum: “Fault 35”
Quantum LX: “VSD High Internal Ambient Temp Fault”