Figure 49
– Selecting Input Mode 2
This choice monitors the state of a single Opening Coil only. When the Opening Coil is energized, the monitor registers an Open
operation and records the time duration of the Opening Coil energization. The start is the protective relay closing the trip circuit.
The end is the opening of the 52A auxiliary switch, modified by the A Input Delay, which begins the Contact Duty measurement.
This time duration is called Opening Time, given in milliseconds. The Opening Time measurement is modified by the A Input Delay.
Mode 2 is used on older field retrofits when there is no opportunity for connecting to 52b auxiliary switches or Green Light.
Optimizer3 does not provide any Close operation data in Mode 2.
Assign the Opening Coil connection to AUX 1.
The Polarity set to Positive because the Opening Coil energization is a positive-going pulse.
Figure 50
– Connection Options for Input mode 2
Opening Coil Input Polarity = Positive