The Optimizer3 is equipped with one Form C (SPDT) dry contact relay. The relay is asserted by the state of alarms or Digital Inputs.
The relay is fully programmable and must be setup as needed. The relay is un-programmed in the default settings.
The relay is programmed by adding an input for each alarm or Digital Input required to assert the relay. Inputs are added by
clicking the “+” sign. New numbered inputs appear below.
Figure 4
– Create Relay Inputs
The inputs can each be assigned to an “Alarm” or “State”, selected from the “Type” menu.
Figure 5
– Assign Relay Input
Digital Inputs are AUX input channels that are unused, depending upon the Input Mode being used (see page 38). There may be
only one or two to choose from. When the AUX input is energized, the relay will be asserted.
If the Relay Input is an Alarm, it can be left in a generic mode, allowing any alarm to assert the relay. If only specific alarms are
desired to assert the relay, further programming is needed to assign the Event Code, and possibly the Event Key.
Select the Event Code from a menu of all possible alarms and conditions. Some Event Codes allow an Event Key to limit the relay
assertion to a specific CT phase or sensor channel associated with the Event. In most cases, the Event Key can be set to “Any”,
which will allow any alarm event of the same Event Code to assert the relay.